So, I thought it was time to really explain the reason why the WOW is now our most popular facial…….
There are many reasons why people book to have a facial treatment, relaxation, skin conditioning, get rid of fine lines, pigmentation, dry skin patches, break outs etc and it is our job to work out the best possible course of action to address your main concerns of that moment.
As we see many types of skin over the weeks and months that go past we know that in most cases it is more complex than identifying one concern and more often we are looking for a solution to help with all of the above. Up until now the beauty industry has offered us a range of resources to call upon and we will make the best combination of choices – but that will often mean a series of different facial treatments and a range of products to offer you before we can confidently say you will see a visible difference. If you are a facial follower you will know that this can be confusing and a bit disappointing – after all you want a solution now, right?……..
So now the most amazing thing has happened- and not a moment too soon. A range of pretty well practised facial treatment techniques have been put together in exactly the right sequence and are timed precisely to give you a facial treatment that offers a guaranteed visible difference there and then. And it tackles all of the most common concerns all at once!
The WOW facial is a resurfacing and reconditioning treatment but with a difference……the results are instant, no waiting required and it is super relaxing..
Step 1. – Cleanse and de-grease. We cleanse your skin with a specific cleanser formulated to start the exfoliation process but is PH neutral and dermatologically tested. This is the ultimate deep clean. Followed by a complete de-grease to remove any residue left at all.
Step 2. Resurface- we use a high quality buffered chemical peel to enhance the exfoliation process – wipe on- wipe off..
Step 3. Dermaplane- using a specially designed tool with a blade we gently remove the vellus hair and dead layer of surface skin cells that have been dehydrated by the resurfacer- the benefits of this are that it reduces fine lines immediately, fades pigmentation, encourages cellular renewal, removes congestion and clears up breakouts. This is pain free and very relaxing.
Step 4. WOW Fusion- micro needle a cocktail of vitamins, amino acids and conditioners (including Botox upon request) into the freshly prepared skin
Step 5. LED light therapy according to your needs
Step 6 WOW mask infused with collagen and HA- replacing the oil and water barrier ready to go.
These 6 steps will do a whole weeks worth of treatments in just 75 minutes.
Suitable for all skin types, all ages and genders.
We are constantly amazed by what we see your skin do- why don’t you be too? Call us to book a consultation for the WOW facial 0208 941 0516