177 Percy Road, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 2JN


SkinFit Face and Body Clinic | Hampton | London

Well here we are, all locked down and hopefully safe indoors. Whether you are happy to be safe inside, sad to be without your loved ones, anxious without your routine or just confused as to how you feel at all- this is the new normal and we are all in this together!

I just thought I would write a short post to let you all know we are still here and working behind the scenes to ensure we can re-open at the right time and be able to pick up where we left off. Most of our wonderful clients have had bookings either postponed or cancelled at fairly short notice over the last few weeks and we want to reassure you that at the given time we will be contacting you all to find out whether you would like to rebook your appointment and get that done asap. For those of you who are mid way through courses, these will resume and we will look at each individual case to make sure you still get the results you need.

When this happens we will still be adhering to the infection control guidelines as always and we will be wearing PPE for our treatments…….on that note, we gave most of our PPE that was left in the salon to the NHS to make essential use of because it was absolutely the only right thing to do.

I have been asked a few times why we closed so quickly/early back in March and why appointments were cancelled when other businesses remained open and so I thought I would explain as best I can…

Throughout February and early March it became clear that some kind of protective lock down was definitely on the cards for us as a country. I have a dear friend who is a teacher in Beijing and she had been updating me on the situation in China- I must say I was filled with concern, but also disbelief…I mean , how can this be happening?? Still then, it was hard to imagine what was going on there would ever come our way which in hindsight was a bit naive. My friend explained to me that my business would have to close and so would the schools and all public services, but still my imagination could not comprehend this! So when the week of the 16th March dawned, something in me did too. Everyone could see what needed to be done but we hadn’t actually been told to do it which was confusing especially for a small business owner! That week I scaled back appointments to one in one out and then on Friday 20th ahead of a very busy Saturday (yes we still had full diaries) I did the maths…….

I suddenly knew it didn’t matter how much money would be lost or inconvenience caused by closing the salon, but it mattered very much that we immediately prevent the potential spread of this disease in our very own precious community, my girls and their families and to you our treasured clients. The guidance on who should close wasn’t clear but the reason was and that was enough. It has been a huge risk for us as it has for every other small business and we are not out of the woods by any means but the government help has started to arrive and i believe all will be well eventually, and we will also be well again as a country.

Our thoughts are with those who have been unwell or who know someone close who is and especially if you have lost loved ones.

Finally, if you live in the Hampton area we have an amazing help group organised by Petra from Asters Florist in the village- the Hampton Helpers group so if you or anyone you know need any help with shopping, urgent medications, a hot meal or just an ear to listen

please do pass on the following details:

0208 941 0920 or 07890 493 587

Alternatively contact me at info@skinfitclinic.co.uk and I can pass on your requests.

We are looking forward to seeing you for all your treatments at SkinFit very soon.

Stay well and have a Happy and safe Easter X

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