Well lock down is now into its 7th week and if you are anything like us you will be finding ways to adapt at home! Some of these things may last longer than lock down and some are just to get by for now but whatever it is I am sure it has challenged your creativity to the max!
As therapists we are reliant on touch and being in physical proximity to our clients so the whole distancing thing has not come easy and we miss our hands on approach terribly….(see above- pets and partners have been patient and understanding..!)
We have a Facebook page; https://www.facebook.com/skinfitspaltd/
and I am working on keeping this updated as a good method of communication plus you can see some of the things we get up to! On the page I have created a closed group for clients who wish to discuss any treatment or skincare topics – its a great way to ask questions and get answers. Myself and the team are there and will be facilitating as well as offering great advice.
Please join us and come and see what we are up to!
Once the lock down eases and we are able to open again here are some of the things we are going to do to make sure you can be confident to return for your favourite appointments:
1. We will all be wearing PPE. We do for most treatments anyway but we will be wearing masks, gloves, aprons and eye protection especially for service treatments- no gloves for facial massage but thorough hand washing will take place.
2. Initially we will operate a system of 1 client in at a time with adequate turnaround time for them to leave before another arrives and one room may be turned into a temporary waiting area. So you not have to wait with others and you will only come into contact with your therapist.
3. The first appointments will be for laser clients (yeay!) so I can get you all back on track- however I will be calling everyone personally prior to this to check that you are good to go. It has been very sunny lately so an active sun tan in the area to be treated will delay the appointment.
4. The whole salon will have been deep cleaned and of course we already use Clinell to disinfect our surfaces, doors, furniture etc but we will also be adding Clinisept to our cleaning rotas. All equipment will continue to be sterilised using steam autoclave and sterilising capsules (we did this anyway!) We will be moving more towards single use items where we can.
5. Our linen is boil washed on site as we have industrial machines and this will continue as before with changes after every client.
I hope this is reassuring for you.
Before I go I also wanted to let you know that we have some fantastic new products to introduce to you all! We are now official stockists of Alumier products…… and I will be sharing more of this news in my next blog and on facebook and Instagram so stay tuned..
Best wishes to you all and do continue to stay well and safe.
Sam and the team X