I am sitting at my dining table just like millions of other people this week typing out my hopes for the next few months. I have already decorated two childrens bedrooms, made two loaves of bread and posted out a few skin care products (after walking the dog – twice).
Sound familiar?……
I think it is safe to say that my world has shrunk to the size of a small bowl of porridge. Nevertheless I still find myself fretting each evening about what I might be able to find to do the next day to stop myself from de camping to the sofa and just staying there. I am pretty sure that most of you feel the same, either daily , momentarily or just a weekends. For someone who literally never stops moving this latest lock down has proved to be one of my greatest challenges. The lack of my own productivity in my mind has literally driven me to distraction! I mean- doing nothing? Surely I will lose who I am and never get back to being the old me!
Feeling good again
As luck would have it I was recently introduced to a person who made me feel like I hadn’t actually lost anything, in fact he made me feel like I could really feel positive about this newly discovered ‘me’.
Leon Smith is an Integrative Therapeutic Counsellor (eh??) – actually someone who values compassion, calm, warmth and safety. To boot Leon also has infinite patience and who literally likes to talk and be talked to. Even while having a short discussion I could see the benefit to what he does and how the synergy of his empathetic nature made this a totally unique experience.
Everywhere we turn we look for someone to engage with. This offers us a way of validating ourselves right? So without that – especially this year and last- we can be left alone too much with our own thoughts, feelings and a lot of anxiety allowing self doubt, and lower levels of confidence to creep in.
Life also throws us curve balls at times, health anxiety, relationship breakdowns, bereavement, employment changes, challenging situations in general. This year has been epic on this scale. Many people now feel afraid when they did not previously, many will feel like they have failed or are failing (at home schooling!?) or at life. We may have guilt, anger, sorrow.
In order to process these effectively and move on we need to find our own safe way to cope.
Sometimes we don’t how to do that. Putting your trust in someone who may be able to help you find your way is easier than you may think.
Mind, Body…. and Skin
We as beauty therapists work with clients every day, passionate about solving skin problems and concerns. Of course we benefit from interacting with every single person we meet, and hopefully we offer more than simply great skin in return. We understand the effects personal care has on a person’s well being and sometimes it just needs a more specialised approach.
To be complete and create balance and calm in our lives we need to look after ourselves inside and out.
We can create beautiful skin. You can create a beautiful you.
Skinfit face and body clinic
*Leon Smith BACP of Considercounselling.co.uk will be taking appointments at Skinfit Face and Body Clinic in Hampton every Tuesday from March 2021. For a first time complementary 20 minute consultation via zoom or phone:
Please contact Sam at info@skinfitclinic.co.uk for more information