177 Percy Road, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 2JN


SkinFit Face and Body Clinic | Hampton | London

Did you know April is Rosacea Awareness Month?

In this months edition of my Skinfit blog I will be discussing this skin condition and hopefully offering some valuable insights into how you can manage it effectively at home as well what to do if your condition is severe.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects the skin on the face. It is characterised by visible redness caused by engorged capillaries and can be accompanied by pus filled breakouts and/or dry eczema type patches. It is effectively an infection in the sebaceous glands in your skin and it has a pattern of appearance across the cheeks, nose, chin and sometimes forehead. Anyone who has rosacea may experience ‘flushing’ or high colour when moving to and from different temperatures, eating certain foods (spices, sugar) or drinks (alcohol). This condition can also be affected by general health and stress.

What causes Rosacea?

Facts about the Rosacea are still fairly limited however, did you know that it is said to affect nearly 5% of the population? and is classified as a common skin condition? It can be mild and manageable or it can be more severe and require urgent medical intervention if the condition starts to alter the state of natural skin keratin.

  1. Genetics- often, Rosacea is inherited along with other skin types and conditions
  2. Gender- Rosacea is 3 times more likely to present in women than men.
  3. General health- dysregulation of the immune system can cause rosacea
  4. Gut health- poor microbiome balance can also encourage rosacea flare ups along with imbalance of Demodex and Staphylococcus in the small intestine.
  5. Age- Rosacea usually appears after 30
  6. Skin type- Usually seen in fair skins with freckles and reduced UV protection
  7. Lifestyle- Over exposure to UV and smoking can be triggers for initial bouts of rosacea and these will then become aggravated triggers in the future.

What should I do if I think I have Rosacea?

Why not book a skin consultation and allow someone with experience to look at your skin to help you? All of our therapists have completed rosacea awareness training and can talk you through the best course of action for your skin.

Can it be cured?

Rosacea can be controlled rather than cured. If you have a mild form using certain dedicated products licenced for rosacea can certainly help. When you book for your consultation your therapist will ask plenty of questions, including what you are using on your skin, whether you have seen a dermatologist for treatment, about your lifestyle and about your diet and medical history.

Once we have a bigger picture we can advise on your next steps.

What treatments can I have?

We offer treatments that can help with the management of your skin condition – however if your therapist thinks you should see a medical professional , they will say so.

What can I do at home to help my Rosacea?

There are some things you can do at home to get started on managing your rosacea. First, review your skin care products- try to avoid harsh astringent products or scrubs with granules. The skin is already inflamed and so it is important to respect it and keep it calm. Ideally, cleansers and exfoliants can contain gentle anti inflammatory acid based ingredients such as azelaic acid, lactic acid and salicylic acid.

Review your diet and lifestyle, because if you can make changes no matter how subtle this may help your skin a lot!

Avoid the sun as much as possible and always wear a high SPF physical sunscreen.

Book a skin care consultation www.skinfitclinic.co.uk


Hot off the press! We are so proud to now be listed as a ‘Trusted Professional’ salon on the Safety In Beauty website.

After meeting and exceeding the high standard criteria for this prestigious listing, we can now display our membership certificate with pride.

You are in Safe Hands!

Click to find out more about how safe we are in beauty.


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Have a wonderful May Bank holiday and we are looking forward to seeing you very soon

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