One of the most popular services businesses like ours offers is hair removal. So, it is no wonder clients search high and low for the best option that suits them. There are many types of hair removal- professionally and ‘at home’ solutions, we offer waxing, electrolysis, dermaplaning and now (as of November) we can offer Laser.
So what is the difference between them and who do they suit?
Well, below I have outlined the pro’s and cons of all….
– Waxing- professionally done, waxing will remove all hair present from the area including vellus hair (fine hair) by pulling the hair from the root using a resin based wax. This will last as long as the hairs take to regrow- usually 3-6 weeks depending on the stage of hair growth. (Each follicle can have up to 5 hairs growing at different stages so it may seem as if they are growing back through more quickly but in fact could be new hairs in the first growth stage) The effect is smooth skin and hairless….
On the flipside, sometimes waxing does not suit a clients skin – some medications or hormonal changes can make the skin less resistant to the wax and can tear the skin- and sometimes the trauma of waxing a stronger hair type can distort the follicle causing the hair to grow back at different angles. Sometimes inflammation can occur as a result and create ‘in grown’ hair cysts.
-Electrolysis- is a form of permanent hair removal. This works by cauterising the hair follicles one by one using a hair fine needle that emits a short electrical current into the base of the hair- killing the blood supply. This is a great solution to small areas of facial hair and white stronger hairs that appear intermittently- fabulous for chins, lips and eyebrows.
The downside of this method is that it cannot be used to treat larger areas due to the fact that each hair is treated individually and it would be overly time consuming for treat anything larger however can be used in conjunction with Laser for maximum effectiveness.
-Dermaplaning – This method of hair removal is for face only and is only designed for the fine ‘peach fuzz’ hair not stronger or terminal hair. This is carried out by using a sharp dermaplaning tool to scrape off the hair (not too different to shaving!). The added benefit to this method is that a fine layer of dead skin cells is also removed leaving the skin beautifully resurfaced and flawless.
– Dermaplaning is very temporary and the hair will grow back as it was before (not thicker) within around 3-4 weeks.
-Laser Hair Removal- Laser offers permanent hair reduction to the area treated, of up to 90-95% meaning that laser is the most effective method on the market to remove unwanted hair. Any part of the body can be treated and once a full course of around 8 sessions are completed a top up may only be needed once or twice a year – sometimes less. This is because the skin can actually develop new follicles in the skin in response to hormonal changes. The laser used should include all wavelengths for each skin colour- Diode 805nm, Alexandrite 755nm and ND;Yag 1064 nm in order to target the hair pigment safely without picking up any pigment in the skin.
Most new machines on the market now are pain free and use integrated cooling systems to ‘chill’ the skin as the treatment takes place.
This method is proven to safe and very effective as well as long term cost effective – and of course administered by a trained professional following a thorough consultation.
Skin fit Face and Body Clinic will be introducing the new 3D-Trilogyice Laser Hair removal system from the 11th November 2019- Book now for your free consultation!