Caring for your skin and body from within is a hot topic at the moment.
Gut health, biomes, vitamins and minerals are all highlighted as today’s most important features when considering diet and general health improvement. So it makes sense that these important supplements are also equally relevant for our skin health and appearance.
Did you know?
Skin is the last recipient of the nutrients we absorb through our gut.
Skin is the most incredible organ of the body, apart from being the largest it has so many functions it would be hard to list them. Responsible for temperature regulation, sensory protection, UV and pollution protection, fluid regulation, flexibility and absolute protection for literally everything else within the body- the skin is our hero.
So why do we not care for it as we should? Why do we focus on parts of skin instead of the whole thing?
It is easy to take something so fundamental for granted, until we notice it is becoming flawed.
Here at Skinfit we urge you to think again- prevention is better than cure. Having beautiful looking skin doesn’t mean it should be forgotten. And it is never too late!

Lifestyle Choices
There are some serious lifestyle considerations which are fairly obvious for health but do we ever consider them for our looks?
- Too much sun, not enough protection. We hear you cry – but I love the sun! We all do, however if you worship Helios don’t expect to have great collagen and be wrinkle and blemish free. Sun damaged skin is the hardest to treat for skin laxity and often bears no improvement after treatment.
- Smoking- the toxins from smoking just 1 cigarette can reduce the nutritional value of food by up to 70%- so if skin is the last recipient of those nutrients you can bet that not many get through. Regular smokers typically have sallow skin with larger pores and collagen is often depleted much more prematurely.
- Diet high in Sugar and caffeine-Although caffeine in the correct quantities is known to be good for you, too much can over stimulate the adrenal system, this depletes our stress hormones and can contribute towards higher levels of inflammation within the body. Sugars can create higher levels of inflammatory responses within the body. If the body is fighting hard to control inflammation not only can you be more susceptible to disease but the efforts can be seen on the skin- psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, acne can be typical responses.

New Year New Approach
After the excesses of our festive season, it will be an ideal time to consider your skin health and nutrition. Winter is a fabulous time to consider having chemical peels, laser rejuvenation and starting your retinol journey- but also why not consider skin nutrition?
The Advanced Nutrition Programme by the International Institute for Active Aging is a fully encompassing nutritional support programme for skin, gut and body health. The are an advanced company for scientific research into the effects of good nutrition on skin aging, moisture absorption, collagen, pigmentation and skin disorders. They are also ahead their time with eco sustainable values and care of nature.
All of the ANP products are researched and tested on a daily, hourly basis for strength, longevity and bacterial synthesis and they are Vegetarian as well as some being Vegan. The Skin Youth Biome has over 5 billion live bacterial cultures to help to rebalance and feed your gut, therefore creating a perfect environment for healthy skin. The range is fully encompassing, from Vitamin C in two strengths, Vitamin A, Multi Vitamins and Omegas.

When you next come in to see us ask about The Advanced Nutrition Programme and get yourself ready for 2023!
January Sale Time?!
We know Christmas isn’t over yet, but do look out for our January Sale offers! I will be sending out a notification early in January and a pop up will arrive on the website…..
And Finally…….

THANK YOU to all of our wonderful clients, without you we could not be here. You keep us in our jobs, you keep us on our toes and you keep us smiling all day long.
Have a very Happy Christmas and here is looking forward to sharing our New Year with you. X